Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baby Gender Day!

After much debate Jenn and I decided that for this round we wanted to find out the gender of the baby growing inside her. We wanted to do something special, so we invited both sides of the family for some good'ol country cooking at Cracker Barrel. Ha!

The Wednesday prior, Jenn and I had the obstetrician write down in the card what the gender is. I asked the obstetrician how certain she was of the gender and she commented on how she doesn't answer that question. I figured she gets plenty of dirty phone calls when the incorrect examination of the sonogram photo takes place.

So here is this card that Jenn and I had to hold onto for 4 days, until Sunday, and not open it. We sure did hold it up to a light for awhile!

As 12 of us gathered around the table and place our orders the decision had to be made who would open the card. Finally my Dad, opened the envelope and turned the card toward Jenn and I, asking if we were ready.

Opening the card a picture fell out and we all agreed IT"S A BOY! Every one was excited. With all the other pregos having girls, it's nice to know his chances are high. HA!

Here is the Money Shot!

After the meal Jenn noticed the sign above our table. It is meant to be... James Dexter Weibelt it is.

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