Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Latest Cardiologist Appointment

So we went for our 2nd cardiologist's appointment and James is doing just fine. His heart is growing well and operating at full capacity. Since he isn't having any trouble from him condition they want to give it a while and watch him. We did find out yet another abnormality he has...it's called a retroaortic innominate vein. Basically the main vein that brings deoxygenated blood to the heart doesn't follow the normal pathway. His goes down further, turns toward his back going deeper into his chest and behind his aorta then under the arch and then connects. This is associated with his previously known condition and the Dr. just says it's "interesting" at this point. Very rare. Could he be more different?!?!?! :)

No major problems right now from everything but if he starts having problems then we will most likely be scheduling surgery....anyways....on to a brighter note. He had all the ladies in the office drooling over him. How could you not fall in love with this precious little boy?!?!?

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