Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The BEST kisses in the world!

This is how James Dexter likes to give kisses:

1. Grab your target and go for it!

2. Latch on, hair is his favorite handle although ears and noses also work well, while he slobbers all over you making all kinds of fun sounds and squeals. At this point you can't help but start laughing.

3. Keep going until his victim can't take it anymore! Then as you wipe the slobber off your face he grins at you. Gotta love it!

Sittin Pretty

So he is just now working on sitting up...he would much rather you hold his hands and walk him around. I really don't think he is going to crawl...I think he is going to go straight to walking! Which would not surprise me because he has NEVER done anything on other peoples time lines...he makes his own.

Practicing to sit up on his own

"Hey look Daddy! I am doing it!"

Me loving on my big boy

He is all smiles all the time!

Latest Cardiologist Appointment

So we went for our 2nd cardiologist's appointment and James is doing just fine. His heart is growing well and operating at full capacity. Since he isn't having any trouble from him condition they want to give it a while and watch him. We did find out yet another abnormality he has...it's called a retroaortic innominate vein. Basically the main vein that brings deoxygenated blood to the heart doesn't follow the normal pathway. His goes down further, turns toward his back going deeper into his chest and behind his aorta then under the arch and then connects. This is associated with his previously known condition and the Dr. just says it's "interesting" at this point. Very rare. Could he be more different?!?!?! :)

No major problems right now from everything but if he starts having problems then we will most likely be scheduling surgery....anyways....on to a brighter note. He had all the ladies in the office drooling over him. How could you not fall in love with this precious little boy?!?!?


The Easter Bunny came to see James this year and he must have been a good boy!

James' Easter Basket

James reading his book Bebe and Sharon got him

James trying his best to eat the 1lb chocolate bunny his dad picked out for him!

Both my boys looking all cute in their plaid. Preparing for the Easter egg hunt and Dan & Danica's house.

James found his first Easter Egg!!!!!

Getting some kisses from cousin Daniley

We're cousins, the cutest cousins as can be....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cutest Bunny Around!

James Dexter wanted to tell everyone he hopes you all have a happy Easter!

I think this is hilarious!

6 Months Old Already?!?!?!

Well, our baby boy is 6 months old this Thursday. I can't believe how fast time has gone and how much fun we are having. He does something new every single day and such a pleasure to watch. Here are a few fun pictures of random happenings around the house!

Helping do the laundry!

Getting some good Mama Lovin

Playing with the Froggy Great-Aunt Mona gave him.

I can't believe how big he is getting!

Playing, well chewing, on my new bouncer.

Speaking of the new bouncer....he loves it...here's a short clip of him testing it out....James says a big THANK YOU DADDY for putting it together!